Warning: 7 Warning Signs Your Body Will Show Before a Heart Attack (Are You Paying Attention?)

Symptoms of a heart attack may appear after several days with mild symptoms and are not necessarily caused by stress, as heart attacks can occur even when a person is in a relaxed state.

It is important to know the symptoms of a heart attack so that you know how to survive a heart attack when you are alone? And you can take appropriate measures immediately after it occurs. The following are the most important symptoms of a heart attack:

  • Pain in one area, which may be accompanied by pressure or squeezing and nothing but pain, with the pressure continuing or continuing, and these symptoms are more common in men.

Shortness of breath even in cold weather.

  • Enjoying leisure time and feeling a burning sensation.
  • Chest pain that extends to the shoulders, neck, jaw, teeth, back, arms or upper abdomen, and this phenomenon does not appear frequently in women.
  • Dizziness and awareness.
  • Crossroads.
  • Fatigue and exhaustion without the body making any effort.
  • How can you have a heart attack?
  • After you know how to survive a heart attack while you are alone? It is worth noting that although there are many risk factors that cannot be changed, such as age, genes and gender, there are many rough ways that you can follow to reduce the risk of a heart attack.
  • Here’s what comes next:
  • Quit smoking, because smoking is one of the most important factors leading to heart attacks, among other diseases.
  • Maintain normal blood pressure and blood sugar levels, as well as the quality of fats at a normal level, while taking medications regularly.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle, and exercise every day, God willing, and exercise provides a small amount of healthy and necessary fats, and it is rich in vegetables and does not cause obesity.
  • Achieve healthy weight loss and the desire to lose weight if the ideal person suffers from obesity.
  • Discover common dangerous things, such as drinking alcohol.
  • Try to control psychological problems and anxiety by following some controllable methods, such as: practicing yoga, walking and breathing.
  • Get enough sleep and rest at night, and sleep from 7 to 9 hours a day.

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