Warning: 7 Warning Signs Your Body Will Show Before a Heart Attack (Are You Paying Attention?)

Did you know that it is possible to predict a heart attack several days in advance and thus avoid it? Who knows that you will have a heart attack? The last step that will help you.

50% of heart attacks make the patient stay strong throughout his life before reaching the hospital and receiving medical care, although there are signs that allow the patient to predict a heart attack a few days before it occurs, so how do you know that you will have a heart attack?

How do you know that you will have a heart attack?

In the event of a heart attack, any effect is in front of you and may actually save your life, and thus can lead to many damages that may result from it. Do not underestimate the problem and learn how to know that you will have a heart attack?

If you are at risk of having a heart attack, we offer you this set of indicators that require your attention and interest before it is too late:

1- Chest pain

Pain as an indicator of a heart attack is not the severe pain that the patient feels during the attack.

The patient may feel severe pain several days before a heart attack, and the pain ranges between pain in the jaws, shoulders, arms, neck, jaw and back, and those who experience it describe it as a state of oppression, contraction and pressure in the chest area.

The patient can feel it and estimate it as follows:

Pain after exerting great physical effort: where the period of blood flow to the heart is weakened by the arteries, and this pain disappears after relaxation and injury.

Pain not related to the expectation of something happening: It may develop in a person during his rest period and without exerting any effort, while doctors do not help him otherwise.

In general, the pain of injury develops prematurely and slowly, which determines the person’s ability to sense imminent danger, which is why they usually attribute it to reasons such as aging and their sense of danger.

2- Heart palpitations

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