Early warning signs of ovarian cancer every woman should know

Early detection of ovarian cancer is very important and necessary for treating the disease. Here is the most important information about the symptoms of ovarian cancer:

Early symptoms of ovarian cancer

Although early detection of ovarian cancer symptoms may be difficult, there are certain signs that should not be ignored, as early detection of them greatly increases the chances of recovery. These are the most important symptoms:

  1. Bloating and gas

Although the problem of bloating and gas is one of the common problems in women, the continuous feeling of bloating and gas continuously and daily for a period of more than 3 weeks may be one of the early symptoms of ovarian cancer.

In addition, bloating and gas accompanied by a clearly swollen abdomen may be one of the danger signs that should not be ignored.

  1. Constant pain

Feeling continuous pressure and pain in the abdomen, pelvis and lower back daily for more than 3 weeks may be one of the early symptoms of ovarian cancer that you should pay attention to.

Although the symptoms mentioned may accompany many other medical conditions, in the case of ovarian cancer they are characterized by the following:

  • The pain is new and sudden and has not been felt before.
  • The pain does not come and go, but rather is a continuous pain that does not stop.
  • There are no logical reasons for the pain.

Of course, a woman can try to reduce the levels of stress and anxiety in her life and change her diet. If this succeeds in treating the pain, the cause here may not be ovarian cancer, but rather just stress or a wrong diet.

  1. Persistent constipation

There are many diseases and factors that may cause constipation, such as: anxiety, stress, irritable bowel syndrome, and ovarian cancer.

Doctors indicate that constipation in particular is one of the common early symptoms of ovarian cancer, as any sudden change in bowel movements and the nature of the stool may be a sign of this disease.

  1. Changes in urination

When a woman feels burning during urination or any pain or disturbing changes in the urination process, this may be attributed to problems in the urinary tract, but sometimes this type of problem may be a symptom of ovarian cancer.

Some accompanying symptoms that may suggest ovarian cancer with regard to changes in the urination process:

  • Feeling pain or pressure in the bladder.
  • Frequent need to urinate.
  • A sudden feeling of an urgent desire to urinate.
  1. Loss of appetite

Loss of appetite and lack of desire to eat may be early symptoms of ovarian cancer, especially if accompanied by a quick feeling of fullness despite eating only small amounts of food.

  1. Irregular bleeding and cramps

Some types of ovarian cancer may cause irregular bleeding at times outside of the menstrual cycle.

Ovarian cancer may be accompanied by painful abdominal cramps similar to menstrual cramps.

Other symptoms of ovarian cancer

There are other symptoms of ovarian cancer that may appear at any stage of the disease, and these are the most important:

Changes in a woman’s menstrual cycle, such as: the cycle becoming heavier or less heavier.

Constant, unjustified fatigue.

Weight loss.

Kidney pain.

Ascites or fluid retention in the abdominal area.

Nausea and vomiting.

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