Your Nose is the First Indicator if You are Approaching Death
It is our human nature to believe death in our minds, and the way we represent death is also related to seeing a dead animal, human, bird or fly. What is the connection between them all that we haven’t thought of before? He goes.
According to current research, the human nose is able to detect a wide range of odors that cannot be placed into any specific category, but responds accordingly. Like the smell developed by a chemical called putrescine. It is a chemical substance that the body secretes when it begins to decompose, and you should know that the smell is the result of the animal’s aggressive behavior over the years. Evolution and these responses are believed to have evolved at least 420 million years ago.
Animals are thought to react to the smell of decomposition as a sense of danger through two different techniques: one based on whether there is a predator nearby, and the second based on whether they are in mortal danger, thus telling their instinct to flee.
Scientists conducted 4 different experiments on humans using a mixture of putrescine, water, and ammonia, just to prove that human reactions and behavior are no different from animals.
In the first experiment, participants were tested to know exactly what putrescine smelled like when exposed to its smell and their alertness was tested. The results showed that participants who were exposed to the smell of mold showed significantly higher alertness than those who were exposed to ammonia and water.
Escape behavior
The researchers conducted a second full test, testing a group of unsuspecting subjects tasked with rating the odor in terms of intensity, disgust, and affinity. The researchers wanted to know how the group reacted to the smells and how quickly the participants could cover the 80-metre distance. However, those who smelled mold tended to move away from the site more quickly, proving that the smell triggers a strong desire to steal.
In another experiment, immediately after exposing the group to the smell of mold, the researchers gave participants the task of completing the stem with the word.
The results showed that the smell of mold prompted the group to collect word roots, which were all related to the word escape and other associations with the word escape. The smell also increases when string words are used.
Defense and hostility
The final experiment involved exposing participants to a cream scent that they could not detect. In this experiment, they were shown the text of the study and were tasked with evaluating its author.